WhatsApp Chatbot for vTiger (one week free trial)


WhatsApp Chatbot for vTiger
WhatsApp Chatbot allows you to create a bot in CRM that can be helpful for support, and autoresponder for WhatsApp.


1. WhatsApp Chatbot subscription work only if you have a License of WhatsApp Integration for the vTiger extension activated.

2. WhatsApp Chatbot Allow only 5000 conversations/month. above 5000/month please contact support@crmtiger.com
3. WhatsApp Chatbot for vTiger will have separate Addon’s to purchase with a license key to activate WhatsApp Chatbot for Vtiger

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WhatsApp Chatbot for vTiger
WhatsApp Chatbot allows you to create a bot in CRM that can be helpful for support, and autoresponder for WhatsApp.


1. WhatsApp Chatbot subscription work only if you have a License of WhatsApp Integration for the vTiger extension activated.

2. WhatsApp Chatbot Allow only 5000 conversations/month. above 5000/month please contact support@crmtiger.com
3. WhatsApp Chatbot for vTiger will have separate Addon’s to purchase with a license key to activate WhatsApp Chatbot for Vtiger

Additional information

VT version

VT7.1, VT7.2, VT7.3, VT7.4, VT7.5, VT8.0, VT8.1, VT8.2


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