We are continuously updating vCRM (extended from vTiger mobile website). We updating vTiger mobile based on our existing client feedback as well as prospect who keen to interest in vCRM.
This product is very useful for the marketing people travelling frequently and wants to access Web based CRM which is not compatible in mobile like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry etc…
vCRM is web based mobile friendly product so it costs per installation and no charge for how many user using the vCRM.
vTiger introduce native application for iphone /Android but it has limited feature as well as its costly because required to buy per device.
We just introduce following new feature in vCRM version
Email and SMS from vCRM Mobile: After receiving lot of feedback from customer we introduce new feature in vCRM to send SMS and Email from the mobile module. User can send Email/SMS to all contact OR individual contact OR selected contact from the list.
Item Details: In previous version of vCRM user unable to view the item details section in Invoice, Sales order, purchase order etc…
We introduce new change to display item detail section in detail view of the module.
You can review current version from following URL:
URL: http://varianceinfotech.com/mobilecrm/index.html
User name: demo
Password: demo
Your feedback on this would be appreciable!!!
Let us know if you needs more information on this
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