How far a real estate agency can go to achieve higher productivity. This is a very smart client who not only understands but explores perfect technical possibilities to manage complex tasks.
Their Need:
5 office locations in US, hundreds of counties and active agents.
How easily a prospective client can be offered right agent in his or her nearest location to show property in the counties of their interest ?
What we did:
Modifications and conditions in the existing CRM system.
Added a new field – Suburb for any new Town report added or edited.
Allocate relevant agents for the Suburb added by simple auto suggest text input.
when an inquiry is received, select agents – add a note and click to send as an email to agent as well as the inquiring prospect.
Now client don’t need to find from Agent list- who to assign an inquiry. Only couple of clicks and Prospect connects right Agent.
Let us know if you needs more information on this
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