Looking to integrate Office365 with vTiger?
Are you using Office365 and vTiger at the same time? , If yes, then we’ve got a got a solution for it.
Recently, the CRMTiger team implemented Office 365 integration with vTiger for one of the customers. You can manage groups, contacts, and users from the vTiger CRM system.
CRMTiger team done following implementation for customer to manage Users/Groups of Office 365 from vTiger system.
Sync Office365 Users with Office 365 Users modules in vTiger(Not vTiger Users)
Sync Office365 Group with Office 365 Groupmodules in vTiger(Not vTiger Group)
Active/Inactive User in Office 365 from vTiger
There is an option to Sync group from Office365 to vTiger, everytime it’s update groups from Office 365 to vTiger when new group in Office365 added.
There is an Option to Sync Office 365 Groups with Users to vTiger Groups Module. In vTiger, Office 365 Groups Module has the Related Tab of Users to add the Users against Group.
There is an option to link User to respected group or link Group to respected user from vTiger which update same to Office365.
There is an option to sync. Contacts from Office365 to vTiger.
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