Client Profile:
Company Represents a growing force of over 160,000 active and retired men and women in the United States and Canada.
Members work in the Finishing Trades as industrial and commercial painters, drywall finishers, wall coverers, glaziers, glass workers, floor covering installers, sign makers, display workers, convention and show decorators and in many more exciting occupations.
Project Screenshot
Feature implemented in the CRM
- Autosuggest feature to select existing organization.
- Project management and export project in PDF.
- Effective global search based on the field selection due to large number of members.
- Extensive reporting.
- Responsive mobile CRM so all member has CRM accessible from mobile.
Business Needs
- Company Looking for a system to manage members and their activities
- Company Looking to manage all projects executed by the members for commercial works like panting, glass work, wall covers, etc.
- Company I am looking for mobile apps to manage all these activities as well.
Tools and Technology :
- vTiger® version 6.1
- PHP 5.4
- MVC Framework