FreePBX is a stand-alone software that acts as telephony system with rich graphical user interface. It is open source and ubiquitous application which is used by wide array of business units across the world as a corporate calling ecosystem.
vTiger is a free and full-featured CRM software, often used in conjunction with FreePBX to leverage complete set of telephonic services including
- Voicemail
- Voice over IP (VoIP)
- Instant messages
- Email messages
- Fax
Integration of vTiger with FreePBX essentially boosts your marketing activities as you are discovered two in one system. It nurtures your sales cycle via availability of unprecedented functionalities like single click calling, recording, receiving of client call etc from CRM itself.
CRMTiger Integrated vTiger® with FreePBX with additional features:
vTiger® Click To Call Integration
FreePBX is capable to manage all Asterisk services also. We have customized vTiger CRM in a way so as to avail maximum benefits of Asterisk altogether. This module allows you to dial directly to your existing or new customer from one of its user interfaces or screens, with single click.
vTiger® Call Recording
By default, all the calls are recorded inside vTiger PBX manager module.
Admin can see list of all the calls with call duration. Filters are also available to fetch conversations from specific individual only and that called in particular time period. You may re-listen to calls or download them for offline storage purpose.
Admin can see list of all the calls with call duration. Filters are also available to fetch conversations from specific individual only and that called in particular time period. You may re-listen to calls or download them for offline storage purpose.
vTiger® call Receiving and related notifications
Incoming calls are shown as popup, with customer names and link to profile of that client
If customer does NOT exist in your vTiger CRM database, generated pop up presents you with options of add as lead or customer or create new account
Existing features of FreePBX are maintained as it is, including facilities to pause, resume or transfer the call or to hang up
If dialled person is a prospect, you will receive history/previous information like ticket number, comments etc.
Why integrate FreePBX with vTiger from CRMTiger ?
- Experience in all vTiger versions from 5.x to 7.x
- Proficient app developers who know all dependencies between FreePBX & vTiger
- 10+ Year of IT experience specifically in OpenSource Framework
- 40+ Satisfied client
- 50% Saving in Development cost
- 50+ Developers
- Expertise in Code reusability
- Following coding guidelines
- Well organize development methodology and structure